The most insane ski line ever!!

Cody Townsend skiing for Matchstick Productions at Tordrillo Mountains, Alaska. 2014. – (Versión en castellano a continuación de la anglófona) –

A really impressive video produced by MSP (Matchstick Productions) imported from ‘Matchstick Productions‘ YouTube channel.



[ Publicado el 8 dic. 2014 – ‘Days of my youth’ is now available at:


Red Bull Media House, in association with MSP Films, presents ‘Days of my youth’, a new film that examines every skier’s lifelong affinity for the sport. Narrated to the prolific readings of Alan Watts, this film exposes the many joys and occasional struggles associated with a lifestyle built around skiing. Filmed over two years using state of the art techniques and technologies, this movie offers a unique glimpse into the journey of self-discovery that every skier experiences. …/… ]



No place to make turns

There is no place to make turns; neither to brake nor to skid. The crevice that forms in that area of the Tordrillos Mountains in Alaska was chosen on purpose by… go to find out who! for the personal brilliance or the final end of Cody Townsend’s career.

The idea was to insert it in the film ‘Days of My Youth’ made by Matchstick Productions; living legends of freeride were included in the cast, as the case of the Frenchman Richard Permin, the californian Michelle Parker, the canadian of British Columbia Mark Abma, the great Bobby Brown from United States, the also canadian James Heim and Townsend himself.



Tordrillo mountains in the Alaska Range, AK, US.


The film examined the affinity of those skilled athletes with the world of sports and the mountains; an addiction coined throughout their entire lives dedicated to the practice of extreme skiing and freeriding. The narrations of the metaphysician Alan Watts‘ texts accompanied those spectacular images to the rhythm of the story of the many joys and eventual battles that were accumulated along the lifestyle of these magnificent suicides of the snow.

Two seasons of shooting were used in which state-of-the-art technological techniques and tricks were used. An experience that culminated in the production of one of the classics of extreme ski filmmaking made during the last ten years.


Tordrillos mountains and the crevice choosen by freeskier Cody Townsend and snowboarder Travis Rice.


Some headlines of the specialized media confessed that, without the evidence of that footage, no one would have believed that such a feat had ever really taken place; and even with those frames in front of the eyes it was still difficult to assume.

Because we were no longer talking about a crack in the usual sense of the term but what barely reached to form a tiny slit between rock walls throughout which it was not possible to cross the skis at all in the desirable horizontal in order to stop or slow speed, case of facing difficulties.

Once the path was well advanced, there was hardly a gap of space to even be able to furrow the corridor in front position; however, Cody maneuvered at his own way to finally achieving the award for the best line of 2014; a trophy awarded by the prestigious Powder Magazine in its fifteenth annual contest.

The event was sponsored in joint venture with Red Bull Media House. And until the day of the writing of this article, the ski sequence of Cody has accumulated on YouTube 10,563,854 viewings.


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A frame-by-frame sequence of Cody Townsend’s line at Tordrillos Mountains crack


The controversy with snowboarder Travis Rice

It seems that the line was first ridden by snowboarder Travis Rice for his own video but weeks later Cody Townsend skied it. Cody released just the shot of him ridding the line while Travis was waiting to release his full movie.

When the video blew up and Cody started getting all the credit Travis Rice was obviously pissed. Especially since hes did all the work in scouting and digging out the entrance.

But the two of them have talked about it and it’s all cool now.


Cody Townsend descending Cody Peak



From his first ski run at Squaw Valley at the age of 2, Cody Townsend knew he had found his passion. He spent his early years chasing legends like Shane McConkey and Kent Kreitler around his home mountain before being recognized in his own right as an up-and-coming big mountain skier.

Since turning pro a decade ago, Cody has constantly pushed the limits of fun and adventure. From skiing what some have called “the most insane ski line ever” to adventuring in the Arctic and hanging in the backcountry with his buds, Cody embodies what skiing was meant to be: a journey of exploration and relentless passion in the company of friends.

(Text imported from  Cody Townsend’s official Web site).




¡¡El más insensato trazado de ‘freeride’!!

Versión en castellano


Sin sitio para hacer giros

No hay sitio para girar; tampoco para frenar ni para derrapar. La hendidura que describe aquel paraje de los Montes Tordrillos en Alaska fue escogida ad hoc por… ‘¡vaya usted a saber quién! para el lucimiento personal o el definitivo fin de la carrera de Cody Townsend.


Un vídeo ciertamente impresionante producido por MSP (Matchstick Productions) e importado del canal YouTube de la propia productora ‘Matchstick Productions‘.


La idea era incluirla en el film ‘Days of my youth’ de la productora Matchstick Productions; en el reparto figuraban leyendas vivas del freeride de la talla del francés Richard Permin, la californiana Michelle Parker, el canadiense de British Columbia Mark Abma, el genial estadounidense Bobby Brown, el también canadiense James Heim y el propio Townsend.

El film abordaba la afinidad de aquellos diestros atletas con el deporte y la montaña; una adicción acuñada a lo largo de sus vidas dedicadas a la práctica del esquí extremo y el freeride. La narración de los textos del metafísico Alan Watts acompañaba aquellas imágenes espectaculares al ritmo del relato de las muchas alegrías y eventuales batallas que se acumulaban en el estilo de vida de estos magníficos suicidas de la nieve.

Se emplearon dos años de rodaje en los que se usaron técnicas y artimañas tecnológicas de vanguardia. Una experiencia que culminó con la producción de uno de los clásicos de la cinematografía del esquí extremo realizado a lo largo de los últimos diez años.

En algunos titulares de los medios especializados se confesaba que, sin la evidencia de aquel footage, nadie habría creído que semejante hazaña se hubiera llevado realmente a cabo jamás; e incluso con aquellos fotogramas frente a las pupilas seguía siendo difícil de asumir.

Porque ya no estábamos hablando de una grieta en el sentido habitual del término sino de lo que apenas llegaba a constituir una mínima rendija entre paredes de roca entre la que en absoluto era posible atravesar los esquís en la horizontal deseable para lograr detenerse o aminorar la velocidad caso de vérselas en apuros.

Desde bien avanzado en el trayecto no se divisaba apenas un resquicio de espacio para incluso poder atravesar el pasillo de frente; sin embargo Cody se las apañó a su manera logrando el premio a la mejor línea del 2014 concedido por la prestigiosa revista Powder Magazine en su decimoquinto certamen anual.

El evento se patrocinó a medias con Red Bull Media House. Hasta la fecha de redacción de este artículo la secuencia de esquí de Cody ha acumulado en YouTube 10.563.854 visionados.


La controversia con Travis Rice

La controversia de esta línea ocurrió cuando el trayecto fue realizado en primera instancia por el snowboarder Travis Rice para mostrarlo en su propio video. Semanas más tarde, Cody Townsend lo ejecutó con sus esquís. Pero Cody mostró exclusivamente su toma al tiempo de que Travis estaba terminando el metraje completo de su filmación para exhibirlo más adelante.

Cuando el video se hizo viral y Cody empezó a recibir todo el crédito, Travis Rice se enojó; especialmente una vez que había sido él quien se hubo trabajado toda la labor de exploración y excavación en la entrada.

Sin embargo poco después ambos hablaron del asunto y el tema quedó resuelto en concordia.


Cody Townsend with Teton Gravity Research films – Original shoot and comps


Reseña biográfica

Desde que ganó su primera carrera de esquí en Squaw Valley con solo dos años se percató de haber dado con su pasión. Trató de emular leyendas del esquí de la talla del malogrado Shane McConkey o el pionero de freeride Kent Kreitler mientras evolucionaba por los parajes montañosos de su entorno natal hasta ser reconocido como el gran esquiador que estaba llamado a ser en el futuro.

Una vez convertido en profesional supo rebasar los límites del divertimento y la aventura. Tras haber logrado lo que muchos entendieron como ‘la línea más loca de todas las habidas y por haber’, hasta permitirse continuar su carrera como aventurero del esquí en el Ártico… -o haber realizado recorridos de esquí de travesía con sus colegas- …Cody se ha convertido en la personificación misma de lo que implica el esquí: Un trayecto de exploración y la culminación de una pasión imbatible en compañía de sus amigos.

(Texto importado de la web oficial de Cody Townsend).


Cody Townsend and his wife Elyse Saugstand skiing together


Cody Townsend – Days of my youth – Powder TV

A video imported from ‘Powder Magazine‘ YouTube channel.

This week’s MSP Mondays remixes Cody Townsend’s shots from ‘Days of My Youth’, produced by Red Bull Media House and MSP Films.



[ Publicado el 30 nov. 2014This week’s MSP Mondays remixes Cody Townsend’s shots from ‘Days of my youth’, produced by Red Bull Media House and MSP Films. ]


Cody Townsend interview – 15th Annual Powder Awards

Cody Townsend interview at 15th Annual Powder Awards in a video imported from ‘Powder Magazine’ YouTube channel.



[ Publicado el 8 dic. 2014Cody Townsend talks about winning Best Line, Full Throttle, Best Male Performance, and how the best skier on the mountain is the one having the most fun. ]


Cody Townsend - Arcade belts


Cody Townsend’s curriculum

——————————– Awards

Best Male Performance – Powder Video Awards 2014.
Best Line – Powder Video Awards 2014.
Full Throttle – Powder Video Awards 2014.
Best Male Freeride Segment – IF3 Montreal Film Festival 2014.
Best Single Shot – IF3 Montreal Film Festival 2014.
Best Ski Segment – NYC Snow Film Festival 2010.
Top Ten Reader’s Poll – Powder Magazine Awards 2012 & 2014, 2015, 2016.
Best Male Performance – Freeskier Magazine 2008.

 —————- Contest Results

1st Place – Swatch Big Mountain Pro Invitational 2010.
2nd Place – Swatch Big Mountain Pro Invitational 2008.
3rd Place – Freeride World Tour Verbier Extreme 2008.
1st Place – Freeride World Qualifier Mammoth 2008.
1st Place – Swatch Skier’s Cup 2012 *Team Captain.
1st Place – Swatch Skier’s Cup 2014.

—————————- Movies

Matchstick Productions: Drop Everything, Ruin and Rose, Days of My Youth, Superheroes of Stoke, Attack of La Nina, The Way I See It, Hit List.

Cody Townsend Productions: Conquering the Useless.
Teton Gravity Research: Light the Wick, Re:Session, Under the Influence.
Rage Film Productions: Corduroy, Such is Life, Down Days.
Warren Miller Entertainment: Playground, Impact.
Team Thirteen: Echo.
Wink Inc: Respect.
Omen Productions: Lines of Influence, [ah-mig-dah-la].



Full resort segment from ‘Days of my youth’ – (English)

And to finish this post, just a “normal skiing” (XD!) video; this is… not freeride; just only ‘crazyride’, with no less than Cody Townsend, Richard Permin, Banks Gilberti, and Sander Hadley. An amusing sequence of mad riding imported from ‘Red Bull‘ YouTube channel. Just enjoy it!!


Segmento ‘turístico’ al completo del film ‘Days of my youth’ (‘Días de mi juventud’) – (Castellano).

Y para finalizar este artículo, tan solo un vídeo de “esquí estándar” (¡¡¡Pfffff…!!); o sea… no ya mero freeride; sino ‘crazyride’ (‘esquí loco’), con nada menos que Cody Townsend, Richard Permin, Banks Gilberti, y Sander Hadley. Un divertido fragmento de trazadas dementes importado de la cuenta YouTube del canal ‘Red Bull‘. ¡¡Para disfrutarlo sin más!!



[ Publicado el 23 dic. 2014 Love fresh pow? We do too =====> RedBull TV.

Red Bull Media House, in association with MSP Films presents the Resort Segment from ‘Days of My Youth’, a new film that examines every skier’s lifelong affinity for the sport. In this segment, Cody Townshed, Richard Permin, Banks Gilbelti, and Sander Hadley have ridiculous amounts of fun skiing their local resorts.

Days Of My Youth now available on iTunes.  …/… ]


Precise and precious links – Enlaces precisos y preciados

Cody Townsend official web site

Cody Townsend’s ‘Conquering the useless’ film trailer – Powder Magazine

Cody Townsend at Alaska 2011-12 – Powder Magazine

At home with Cody Townsend and Elyse Saugstad – Powder Magazine

Cody Townsend YouTube channel

Powderhounds Heliski, Alaska

Andrew Miller – Adventure photographer

Cody Townsend congratulates Travis Rice – Snowboarding Transworld

Cody Townsend interview at

Cody Townsend at

Cody Townsend – Stairway to heaven (video) – Powder Magazine

Cody Townsend’s gear at Teton Gravity Research

The making of Cody Townsend – Powder Magazine

Travis Rice at Tordrillo Mountains crack –

Crevice in the Tordrillo Mountain Range –

Red Bull TV channels

Bakom Kameran Oskar Enander – Freeride (videos)

Alan Watts – The official source



Cody Townsend


-( Photoshop editions and compositions by Digital Imagine )-
